
Core Property reviews government tenanted office fund by KM Property Funds

Core Property reviews government tenanted office fund by KM Property Funds

Core Property has reviewed the Thynne Street Property Fund by KM Property Funds.

The Fund provides an investment in a modern office building in the suburb of Bruce, ACT. The Property provides a highly secure rental income, being fully leased to a Commonwealth government agency on a long term lease.

The investment metrics include:

  • Purpose built office building, 100% occupied by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
  • Fixed 3.0% p.a rental increases with lease expiry in June 2029 (weighted average lease expiry 9.2 years).
  • A distribution yield of 7.0% p.a. (pro-rata) to 30 June 2020, increasing to 7.1% p.a in FY21.
  • A fully secure rental income over the 6.2 year term of the Fund.

Core Property has rated the Fund as RECOMMENDED, however notes that macroeconomic uncertainty as a result of COVID-19 may pose a risk to future valuation and capital returns.

Update 13 May 2020: The Fund is fully subscribed and is no longer accepting new investments.