
Stirling Enhanced Yield Fund

Large format retail and industrial property fund targeting distributions of 7.2% - 8.4% p.a.

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Core Property has reviewed the Stirling Enhanced Yield Fund, a closed-ended property fund managed by Stirling Property Funds. This review is an update to the review undertaken in May 2021.

The Fund is a registered managed investment scheme that invests in a portfolio of properties in regional and capital cities that are well placed to benefit from decentralisation and increased investment in infrastructure.

The Fund has already acquired two industrial properties at Mayfield West, in Newcastle NSW and is under contract to acquire a third property, a large format retail centre in MacGregor, in metropolitan Brisbane QLD.

The Responsible Entity is seeking to raise $25.4M to fund the acquisition, through the offer of 25.4M units priced at $1.00 per unit.

The Manager is targeting distributions of 7.2% - 8.4% p.a. (average 7.9% p.a) over the initial seven-year term of the Fund, with a Liquidity Event in 3.5 years.

Core Property has rated the Fund as RECOMMENDED.